Avocado farming in Kenya general outlook
farming has risen to become one of the highest paying horticultural activities
in Kenya. Avocado is now the leading fruit in terms export quantities. This is because
of the increasing usage of the fruit all over the world. Even though avocado
has been loved by many people for long, more are now becoming aware of its
health benefits. Kenya produces some of the best avocados in the world. This is
what has won it a high place in the avocado export market.
Avocado farming in Kenya |
Where are Kenyan avocados sold?
farmers in Kenya are now smiling because of the high paying export market.
Being one of the best avocado producers in Africa, Kenya exports to other
African countries such as Egypt, South Africa, Ghana and Morocco. However, the
largest export market for Kenya avocados is in the European Union followed
closely by the Middle East. In the Year 2020, Kenya exported avocados worth
more than KSh9 billion.
Avocado in the export market: Kenya avocado export quantity is rising |
Best areas for avocado farming in Kenya
County is the leading in avocado farming. It is followed closely by Kiambu,
Kisii, Nyeri and Meru. You can clearly see that most of these counties are the
ones around Mt. Kenya. However, other counties have now taken up avocado
farming after realizing how profitable it is. Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Bomet and
Bungoma Counties have specifically invested a lot into avocado production and
export. All these are counties that receive a lot of rainfall. However, other
counties such as Kajiado and Nakuru that do not enjoy as much rain have also
jumped into the bandwagon.
Best conditions for avocado farming
you have noticed, most of the areas where avocado farming is taking place in
Kenya are highlands. This is because avocados grow best under cool and wet
conditions. Areas that receive low rainfall but have deep, fertile and well
drained soils can also grow avocados commercially under irrigation. Different
varieties of avocado will also have different yield quantities depending on the
conditions in which they are grown. Generally, the soils must be rich in humus,
be loam or sandy loam and a lot of water must be provided if the place does not
rain often.
Avocado Farming in Kajiado, Kenya: Under irrigation |
The best avocado varieties for farming in Kenya
most outstanding avocado variety in Kenya is hass. Hass avocado is preferred in
the export market because of its rich taste, high fat content and long keeping
time. As such, this is the variety that you will find most avocado farmers in
Kenya growing. The second best variety is Fuerte. It is the second most
exported variety flowed by Pinkerton. Kenya also exports local avocados which
are commonly called Jumbo in the market.
hass avocado variety grows best in highland places with low temperatures and
high rainfall. Fuerte and Pinkerton seem to be a bit tolerant to hot and dry
conditions hence they can be successfully grown in lower lands. The local
variety, Jumbo, grows in the hotter sides of Meru and Embu and do not need to
be irrigated to produce high yields.
Where to get the best grafted avocado seedlings
success in avocado farming in Kenya will depend on the quality of seedlings
that you plant. You must avoid buying seedlings from the roadsides as most of
them are low quality and sometimes diseased. If you want to buy high quality
avocado seedlings, ensure that you go to registered Nurseries such as Richfarm
Kenya. You will buy them from between Ksh150 to Ksh300 depending on the size
and age of the seedling. Buying bigger avocado seedlings has obvious advantages
as they have 100% survival rate and are not usually affected by transplanting
Grafted avocado seedlings for sale at Richfarm Kenya |
How to plant avocados in your farm
recommended spacing for planting your avocado trees is 5 by 5 metres. One acre
of land will accommodate 150 avocado trees. This will give sufficient space for
working around the trees and for proper sunlight penetration. Remember that the
trees must be well pruned to ensure free air circulation within the orchard. We
shall discuss this practice in detail below.
Preparing the avocado planting hole
planting hole should be prepared well, preferably a few days before planting. The
hole should be at least 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep (about 60cm wide and deep).
The reason we do this is to loosen the soil in which we are planting our
avocado tree for easier penetration of the roots. It also improves the soil
drainage hence protecting our young seedling from root rot disease.
digging the planting hole, separate the top soil from the bottom soil. We use
the top soil in planting our avocado trees since it is more fertile than the
lower soil. Mix the top soil with 1 bucket of manure (either animal manure or
compost manure). We mostly use animal manure and preferably goat manure which
has proved to have better results. The mixture of soil and manure should then
be put back into the hole up to a few cm from the top. We leave a bit of space
for irrigation purposes.
Is soil testing important in avocado farming in Kenya?
testing is very important before you embark in avocado planting. It helps you
to know the conditions of your soil so that you make any necessary corrections
before planting. Remember, the young seedlings are in a pot so the rooting system
is not so well developed. So you must provide the optimum soil conditions to
give the seedlings a good start. If you do this, the trees grow fast and reach
a productive level faster.
How long to avocado trees take to mature?
and well taken care of avocado trees in Kenya will start producing fruits from
the second year. At this stage, it is advisable to remove the early flowers to
allow the tree to grow up to at least 1m high. Production in terms of number of
fruits increases steadily from the second year and reaches about 600 pieces in
the 5th year. Hass avocado trees can produce as many as 1000 fruits
from the 7th year.
How much is required to plant 1 acre of avocado in Kenya?
initial establishment cost of one acre avocado farm in Kenya is approximately
Ksh40,000. This includes the cost of seedlings, planting labour and any
necessary soil correction measures. The best time to plant avocados is at the
onset of rains. This will help you to save on irrigation costs. The young
seedlings also establish much better during the rainy season due to the cool
temperatures and high soil moisture content.
Taking care of avocado trees
farming in Kenya is actually not labour intensive. You do not need to be at the
farm all the time to get good results. The most important activities in an
avocado farm are irrigation, pruning, application of manure and pest and
disease control.
the dry seasons, avocado trees will need about 20 liters of water per
irrigation cycle. You may need to irrigate about 2 or 3 times a week for proper
growth and production.
should start as soon as after transplanting. We do this to remove any shoots
coming from the rootstock. Once the tree establishes and starts producing new
branches, we cut off the tips of branches that are growing vertically. This
encourages more side branches to grow and these are the ones that give more
Application of manure
trees should be top dressed with manure every 3 months. 1 bucket per tree will
be enough for this.
Pest and disease control
trees in Kenya will rarely need chemicals to control pest and diseases. The
biggest challenge in terms of disease is root-rot. This is brought about by too
much soil water so it can easily be controlled by ensuring that the soils are
well drained. All surface water must also be redirected away from the farm.
false codling moth poses the biggest pest challenge to avocado farmers in
Kenya. Luckily, it is easily controlled using insect traps. You can buy these
from Kenya Biologics.
Where do I sell avocados in Kenya?
The best place to sell your avocados is the export market. To access the export market, all you need to do is approach an exporting company and sign a purchase agreement. The largest exporters of avocado in Kenya are Kenya Horticultural Exporters, Kakuzi, Vegpro and East African growers. They are several other small exporters who also offer very competitive prices. Avoid selling your avocados to brokers who have almost brought avocado farming in Kenya to its Knees.
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